Dengue is a break bone fever. Pronounced as Dengee, it is a type of fever, which transmission occurs due to the bite of mosquitoes infected with any four-dengue viruses. As a febrile illness, it affects the persons of all age groups, from infants to the old. As per a January report of the WHO, approximately 100-400 million dengue infections occur a year and around 80% of them are asymptomatic or mild. Have a look at dengue symptoms, spread, treatment, and prevention here:

Most affected regions

The most affected regions of the world are

  • Southeast Asia
  • The Indian Subcontinent
  • Taiwan
  • Southern China
  • The Pacific Islands
  • Africa
  • Mexico
  • Except Argentine, Chile and Paraguay, complete Central and South America

How does dengue spread in the body?

As a type of fever, dengue spreads in human body when a human is bite by an Aedes mosquito that carries a dengue virus. The mosquito becomes more problematic when it bites a person infected with dengue virus in the blood. The fever doesn’t spread from one person to another. However, it spreads when a dengue infected Aedes mosquito bites.

Dengue symptoms

Almost the appearance of significant dengue symptoms takes 3-14 days after the mosquito bite. Here are some symptoms that can make you be sure that your loved one has this fever:

  • Vomiting
  • Rashes on skin
  • Mild bleeding from nose and gum
  • Nausea
  • Severe muscle or joint pain
  • Incapacitating high fever
  • Severe headache
  • Pain behind the eyes

Keep it in mind that sometimes the symptoms of dengue are mild. Therefore, experts advise people not to ignore mild symptoms. If ignored, people might have severe problems like the enlargement of liver, damage to blood or lymph vessels and the failure of the circulatory system. It can lead to even the death of the affected person.

Dengue Diagnosis

Consult your doctor soon after your visit of the tropical area. You also need to get in touch with your doctor if your fever doesn’t come down after one day. And your doctor will check the possibility of Dengue Fever through checkups. The doctor will advise you suitable treatment options if the you have dengue signs. And your blood test reports are positive.

Dengue Treatment

Here, I would not like to mention any specific medicine or method to help you get well soon. It will always be better for you to contact your doctor and follow his or her advice. Usually, you will get well by taking the prescribed medicines.

Dengue prevention – How to protect yourself from Dengue Fever

There is no vaccine like Chickenpox to help you stay protected from such a virus spread fever. It is better for all of you to be preventive and take all the possible steps to keep yourself safe from dengue infection. For this, you need to do the following things:

  • If possible, reside in less populated area
  • Do not let the water collected in or around your residential complex
  • Sleep inside the mosquito net
  • Try to use air conditioner or keep your cooler water changing
  • As far as possible, wear full-length outfit
  • Consult your doctor soon, if you find any symptoms related to Dengue Fever

By Amit Kumar

Amit loves reading and writing a lot. In addition, he likes guiding people through his blog writing. Backed by more than 10 years of experience in content writing and editing, Amit can write articles, blogs, website content, guest posts, product descriptions, user manuals, etc. He is skilled in writing content pieces on health & fitness, foods, fashion, beauty, technology, travel, career, marketing, and much more. Get in touch with him at

One thought on “Dengue Symptoms, Treatment, and More to Know”
  1. Great information! To stay healthy, we should follow preventive methods and It will be better for all of us to be inside the mosquito net and try to stay away from highly populated area.

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