We often come across the news that a Mr Nitin has died of heart attack, a Ms Shalini has gone through the heart surgery and so on. Have you ever thought why this happens? If not, know it happens as most of us live a comfortable life. And we don’t take proper care of our health and diet. We often miss our breakfast or take few biscuits as breakfast and don’t work out or even go for a morning walk. When you see some of your loved one passes away due to heart related issues, you start conducting search how to make your heart healthier or ways to keep your heart healthy or what to do for a healthy heart.

You know there is no need to do many things to make your heart healthier. Just you need to bring some changes in your lifestyle. I’m sure that making changes in your lifestyle enables you to have a healthy heart. For your support, here are 7 ways to make your healthier or keep your heart healthy:

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1. Play some good, outdoor games

2. Run for 20-30 minutes

3. Smile and laugh for every little thing

4. Take healthier versions of your favourite foods

5. Dance on your favourite songs or music

6. Take 5 minutes break every hour if you have a sitting job

7. Stray away from negative people

1. Play some good, outdoor games

Whether it is cricket, badminton, kabaddi, or rope jumping, play a good outdoor game. You can participate in the game, children playing outside. Get physically active with them, breathe in fresh air, laugh with them, and keep playing with them until you get tired. Being physically active will help you keep your heart healthy.

2. Run for 20-30 minutes

You know running is the easiest and simplest exercise that makes your complete body active. It regulates blood circulation & heartbeat and makes you sweat out. Keep running for 20-30 minutes a day and continue your running throughout the year with slight changes in time. Put a good pair of sports shoes on, take a bottle of water with you, and go for running in the park or in an open space. Do it to breathe fresh air in while running.

3. Smile and laugh for every little thing

As per many studies, laughing works wonder. It acts like a medicine in being healthy or treating a disease. Laugh by your heart. You can do it while watching a funny show on television or listening to jokes that your funny friends crack. You will be in a laughing mode and your stress and other negative feelings come down.

4. Take healthier versions of your favourite foods

Keep in mind everything that glitters is not gold. It means not every food that looks yummy is healthy. You should take healthier and delicious veggies as your food instead of spicy and yummy one. It will help you to have a healthy heart.

5. Dance on your favourite songs or music

I know you have your own favourite music or song list. Listening to the songs makes you happy. Get a list of such songs, play them, and start dancing on those songs. I’m sure you’ll be in a very happy mode from your heart and soul. Do it on a regular basis to make your heart healthier.

6. Take 5 minutes break every hour if you have a sitting job

You know sitting in a position for a longer period can lead you to serious health problems. Being stressed and having varied pains are some of the health problems that you can have from your desk job. Therefore, you must take a break for at least 5 minutes every hour to have a healthy lifestyle. Walk in the gallery or do stare up and down in that break for a healthy heart.

7. Stray away from negative people

Keep in mind that being in the company of the people with negative feelings is not good for you. Spend your free time with the people who are funny and light. Be in contact with the people who make you laugh. And believe me this will lead you to have a healthy life.

By Amit Kumar

Amit loves reading and writing a lot. In addition, he likes guiding people through his blog writing. Backed by more than 10 years of experience in content writing and editing, he can write articles, blogs, website content, guest posts, product descriptions, user manuals, etc. He is skilled in writing content pieces on health & fitness, foods, fashion, beauty, technology, travel, career, marketing, and such more. Get in touch with him at amit.kr.raushan@gmail.com.

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