Computer Vision Syndrome

The days have already gone when having a computer was thought as a glitch. It has become very normal. And most of the urban houses have a desktop or laptop. We use a desktop or laptop to do most of our daily works and most of us spend a lot of time on a digital screen – desktop, laptop, tablet, and Smartphone.

Due to long exposure to the digital screens, we have higher risks of eye problems. And these eye problems are known as Computer Vision Syndrome. I, at Stay Young & Healthy, am here to help you. I have come up with some effective ways to treat computer vision syndrome. The ways are as follows:

Effective ways to treat computer vision syndrome

  • Go for a comprehensive eye test
  • Exercise your eyes frequently
  • Take a break of twenty seconds after every 20 minutes
  • Ensure you sit in good lighting to work
  • Reduce the time you spend in front of screens
  • Rearrange your computer rightly on your desk
  • Wear anti-glare glasses and adjust your screen settings

1. Go for a comprehensive eye test

Go for a comprehensive eye examination when you notice watery eyes, headaches, and blurred vision. Inform your ophthalmologist (eye specialist) about the time you spend on digital screens at home and in the office.

2. Exercise your eyes frequently

People have higher chances of having blurred vision or irritation in eyes that spend more than on digital screens. Practise simple eye exercises such as repeated blinking, eye rolling and focusing on a distant object to avoid eye problems that occur due to long exposure to the digital screens. With this, you can protect your eyesight.  

3. Take a break of twenty seconds after every 20 minutes

Avoid working on digital screens for a longer period. Take a break of 20 seconds after every 20 minutes if you have to work for a longer period. It helps you avoid having eyestrain or computer vision syndrome and keeps you active throughout the day.

4. Ensure you sit in good lighting to work

To avoid visual strain, having good lighting is very important. You should measure the effect of shadow, glare, and reflection that is caused by the external light source. It is the main reason behind computer vision syndrome.

Have a bright light over your head and install blinds on the windows to reduce the effect of external light or to prevent glare screen. Place your computer screen in the way that it can help you reduce the reflections from overhead or window lights.

5. Reduce the time you spend in front of screens

You can reduce your eyestrain by cutting the time you spend on digital screens. Stay away from your Smartphone when you go to bed. Avoid staring at the digital screens in the dark. As far as possible, spend the time on the digital screens for work only.

6. Rearrange your computer rightly on your desk

Make it sure that your laptop/desktop screen is a little below your eye level if you use a desktop/laptop to work at home or in the office. Ensure that the screen is around 20-28 inches away from your face. The setting should be in the way that you do not have a strain in your eyes and stretch in your neck while looking at the screen.

7. Wear anti-glare glasses and adjust your screen settings

You know the market has computer glasses that are specially designed to decrease eye fatigue, eyestrain, eye soreness and headaches. Use such a glass if you continually work on desktop/laptop or use Smartphone. These glasses filter out the blue light that is emitted from tablets, desktops, laptops, and Smartphones. Adjust the screen brightness, font size and contrast until you find the setting best for you if you find the current laptop/desktop setting causing you eyestrain.

By Amit Kumar

Amit loves reading and writing a lot. In addition, he likes guiding people through his blog writing. Backed by more than 10 years of experience in content writing and editing, Amit can write articles, blogs, website content, guest posts, product descriptions, user manuals, etc. He is skilled in writing content pieces on health & fitness, foods, fashion, beauty, technology, travel, career, marketing, and much more. Get in touch with him at

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