We love eating out, as it is more comfortable than anything else. However, we forget it that eating out frequently can be a nightmare because of the ingredients used and the process of cooking. You can’t believe it that eating out at any restaurant is not good for you. It is largely true in case of most of the restaurants. No food can match in quality of the one you take at your home. Here are the foods to avoid eating at a restaurant:

Foods to avoid eating at a restaurant:

  • Pizza
  • Ice Cream
  • Normal Water
  • Best-sellers
  • Sauced-up specials
  • Exotic Seafood
  • Iceberg Wedges

1. Pizza

As per a recent study, pizza is one of the most sellable food items of any restaurant. Most of the restaurants use cheap ingredients in its cooking process. Therefore, buying a pizza from a restaurant that does not know the art of pizza making is a waste of your money. Buy and eat it at the one that is known for pizza – Dominos, Pizza Hut, etc.

2. Ice Cream

Due to the art of plating, most of us get attracted towards some specific dishes, especially deserts. Avoid enjoying delicacies that are made using cream and milk at a restaurant. It is, as they are not hygienically refrigerated. And there is high possibility of having bad bacteria in milk and cream.

3. Normal Water

At most of the restaurants, normal water is abnormal. And the chance of having harbour bacteria in the water is higher. Therefore, you must avoid having normal water at any restaurant.

4. Best-sellers

You are wrong if you think that the best-sellers food items at a restaurant are delicious and fresh. Many of the restaurants do pre-making of their best-sellers to cater the demands and reheat the food items as you order. Taking pre-make and reheated food items are bad for your health. Avoid such items at any restaurant.

5. Sauced-up specials

At restaurants or cafes, most of the ingredients are sourced in bulk. Most of the restaurants use the ingredients in making sauces when any of the stored ingredients start expiring. Avoid getting trapped into the offers like Today’s Special.

6. Exotic Seafood

Never believe in the quality until you do not know the source/place of the exotic seafood. According to a recent research, truffle oil made using olive oil and a type of lab chemical is used many times to cook seafood. Due to this, such a dish is highly priced.

7. Iceberg Wedges

Enriched with high water content, consuming iceberg wedges increases the possibility of germ developments in corners, cracks, and edges of the lettuce leaves. After getting treated with cold or warm water, germs become active. Therefore, taking iceberg wedges at a restaurant is harmful to your gut.

By Amit Kumar

Amit loves reading and writing a lot. In addition, he likes guiding people through his blog writing. Backed by more than 10 years of experience in content writing and editing, Amit can write articles, blogs, website content, guest posts, product descriptions, user manuals, etc. He is skilled in writing content pieces on health & fitness, foods, fashion, beauty, technology, travel, career, marketing, and much more. Get in touch with him at amit.kr.raushan@gmail.com.

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