Today’s world is very competitive and we all race to be ahead in our own field. You know this leads us to have lack of time and sometimes we get no time even for our personal daily works. This busy life takes you in the trap of anxiety, stress, and tension and so on. When it gets over for you, you start thinking to reduce stress in your own life. Here are 9 simple and effective steps that can help you to destress in your life:

Know the reason

Yes, it is first and foremost step that you should take to reduce stress in your own life. Take one day leave from your profession and consider what the main reason behind the anxiety, stress or tension in your life. When you get success to know the real reason, make all the possible efforts to solve the issue.

Have a laugh

It has scientifically been proved that laughing is a good medicine. Laughing helps you to get rid of or many physical ailments as it releases a feel-good chemical in your body that makes you face the health condition bravely. For laughing, you can watch funny or light programs on television or your computer connected to the Internet. Listen to funny radio programs too for feeling good.

Spend quality time with your family members and pet

You know loneliness causes bad mood that leads you to have stress. When you are free or you have no work, don’t stay alone and spend this time with your family members. Some scientific studies show that spending time with your pet releases feel-good hormones prolactin and serotonin and this also decreases the level of stress hormones. And as a result, you start feeling good and get rid of your stress.

Take some quality time for yourself

You keep your work going on and this makes you forget about yourself. In order to reduce stress in your own life, you need to take a break and go to a very peaceful atmosphere that is far away from this crowded and busy life.

Have sex with your spouse

Eager to reduce stress in your own life! Have sex with your spouse. Having sex lowers blood pressure, increases intimacy with your partner and boosts your self-esteem. And as a result, you feel ease.


Are you often stressed? Is your life filled with tension, anxiety and other mental problems? If yes, start meditating to feel good and reduce stress in your own life. It happens as meditation helps you to have a control over your heart and soul.

Sleep well

Try to have sound sleep at night. For this, wash your legs, hands and face before going to bed and lose your body after lying on back and take a deep breath. You’ll fall sleep soon. Do it regularly until you get rid of your stress.

Change your lifestyle

Your comfortable or busy lifestyle affects you a lot. You need to make healthy & hygienic diet and work out regularly. If unable to do work out of high intensity, go for running, jogging or walk in the morning. It makes you healthy and healthy body helps you stay away from the stress.

Sing loudly or dance

When you feel that your mood has gone down and you are feeling stressed, sing your favourite song loudly. You can dance too on your favourite music. It will make you feel good and this will lead you to de-stress.

By Amit Kumar

Amit loves reading and writing a lot. In addition, he likes guiding people through his blog writing. Backed by more than 10 years of experience in content writing and editing, Amit can write articles, blogs, website content, guest posts, product descriptions, user manuals, etc. He is skilled in writing content pieces on health & fitness, foods, fashion, beauty, technology, travel, career, marketing, and much more. Get in touch with him at

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