Do your bad dreams haunt you? If yes, I am sure you will have a disturbance in your sound sleep. In addition, you can have a bad impact on your emotional and mental health. If you experience nightmares frequently, you need to take proper care and stop experiencing it.

Before I go ahead in mentioning the ways to stop bad dreams, I want to make it clear you should find out what make you experience nightmares. A large number of reasons can be behind your nightmare experience. The reasons include a few drugs & medications that affect the brain chemicals, blood pressure medications, traumatic experience of the past life and watching horror movies. Here are some effective ways to stop experiencing nightmares:

Ways to Stop Bad Dreams

  1. Cure the underlying cause
  2. Go through the imagery rehearsal treatment
  3. Stay away from blue light
  4. Improve your sleep pattern
  5. Reduce your stress
  1. Cure the underlying cause

Contact a health expert and explain your nightmare experience to know the underlying problem. If you find that the nightmares are results of depression, anxiety, stress and sleep apnea, talk to the doctor to get them treated.

  1. Go through the imagery rehearsal treatment

The Imagery Rehearsal Treatment is a kind of cognitive therapy, which effectively reduces nightmare experiences. In this therapy, you have to think about the alternate ending to the bad dreams you experience. Therefore, imagine a happy ending to your nightmare while you are awake. For example, imagine you have a parachute that opens and saves you if you experience a nightmare of falling down.

  1. Stay away from blue light

You know the blue light coming from your electronic gadgets especially Smartphone affects your sleep quality. Any disturbance in your sleep makes you experience bad dreams. Therefore, keep your mobile away when you go to bed.

  1. Improve your sleeping pattern

Keep in mind your bad dreams can be the results of distracted/disturbed sleep. Therefore, it becomes essential for you to take the steps that can improve your sleep. For this, you need to make the environment of your bedroom relaxing that you can do by keeping it neat & clean and the temperature normal and do not forget to switch off the light.

  1. Reduce your stress

Your several health issues are the result of your stress. From affecting your health to making you anxious, it can be the reason behind your bad dreams/nightmares. Start meditating to stay calm and relaxed. This will help you destress.

By Amit Kumar

Amit loves reading and writing a lot. In addition, he likes guiding people through his blog writing. Backed by more than 10 years of experience in content writing and editing, Amit can write articles, blogs, website content, guest posts, product descriptions, user manuals, etc. He is skilled in writing content pieces on health & fitness, foods, fashion, beauty, technology, travel, career, marketing, and much more. Get in touch with him at

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