As summer advances, it requires you make changes in your diet. You need to have light meals in your breakfast, lunch and dinner. The most important is that you must keep yourself hydrated during summer. For your convenience, here is the list of 5 healthy foods that you can add to your summer diet:

Cold coffee

Taking tea every morning is very common for most of you. Change your habit and switch to cold coffee. Start your day with a cup of iced coffee and make it a routine. Apart from freshness, it lowers the risk of skin cancer that is the cause of scorching heat.


Mainly used for salad, tomatoes are a natural sunscreen. Its regular intake in summer will protect you against sunburn.


Due to scorching heat in summer, some of you have sleeping problems. The intake of cherries helps induce better sleep. Apart from the improvement in sleep, its intake can help you get lean as it decreases the fat storage of your body.


A cob of corn has a large number of antioxidants that protect you from scorching sun rays in summer. Its antioxidants lower the risk of aging problems like wrinkles.


Watermelon is the most favourite fruit of people in summer. It contains 92% water and helps you keep yourself hydrated. In addition, it protects your skin from harmful sun rays in summer.

By Amit Kumar

Amit loves reading and writing a lot. In addition, he likes guiding people through his blog writing. Backed by more than 10 years of experience in content writing and editing, Amit can write articles, blogs, website content, guest posts, product descriptions, user manuals, etc. He is skilled in writing content pieces on health & fitness, foods, fashion, beauty, technology, travel, career, marketing, and much more. Get in touch with him at

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