In the developed countries like the USA or America, people are more dependent on processed foods to fulfil their daily energy needs. A diet with all nutritional elements does more than offering energy. It supports good health by nourishing your body.

What are legumes?

Legumes are a source of high protein, low fat, antioxidant compounds, dietary fibre, vitamins and minerals. The legume class of vegetables is widely broad and it has more than 13000 varieties of peas, beans and lentils. Legumes are divided into two categories – mature and immature. Referred as fresh legumes, immature legumes include all types of edible peas, pod beans and shell beans that have not been dried. On the other hand, mature legumes are produced from the pod in full dried and developed form. They are commonly known as dried beans and peas.

How can you use them in your diet to stay healthy?

Want to stay healthy and fit! Start taking both types of mature and immature legumes in your diet. To take them, you should buy snow beans, wax beans, fresh lima beans, kidney beans, split peas, black beans and lentils in the form of pulse and vegetables. All legumes give you protein, fibre, iron, Vitamin B, zinc, magnesium and potassium.

What are benefits of taking legumes?

Taking legumes regularly makes you fuller for a longer period. As a result, you get help in preventing hunger. Taking legumes many times a week promotes your bowel regularity and controls your blood sugar level. Eating legumes 2-3 times a week promotes healthy cholesterol level and protects you from heart diseases.

By Amit Kumar

Amit loves reading and writing a lot. In addition, he likes guiding people through his blog writing. Backed by more than 10 years of experience in content writing and editing, Amit can write articles, blogs, website content, guest posts, product descriptions, user manuals, etc. He is skilled in writing content pieces on health & fitness, foods, fashion, beauty, technology, travel, career, marketing, and much more. Get in touch with him at

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